Performer · Artist · Designer

Drake Lim

Drake's Biography

Performer, Artist & Designer based in Singapore

Prior to being a performer, Drake is a professional illustrater and user experience (UX) designer, and he loves to doodle and illustrate as part of his pastime. Hence, there is another name he called himself, Design Jukebox.

Since the year 2012, Drake jumps into the foray of professional acting on screen and on stage. He aspires to be an actor who has been fascinated by actors who he watches on televisions and theater performances since he was a child. He performed since primary school, ranging from chorus performances to stage plays and skits from amateur and professional productions.


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Non ut consequat hendrerit neque at


Praesent et lectus eleifend feugiat placerat

Lorem et fermentum mauris vitae sit


Suspendisse rutrum consequat imperdiet tellus sed

Pellentesque pulvinar ultrices morbi at


Imperdiet egestas justo nunc, nunc sed consequat

Non ut consequat hendrerit neque at


Viverra luctus in habitant arcu placerat consectetur
Lorem et fermentum mauris vitae sit


Velit lacus porttitor urna vitae

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William Gillbert has over fourty roles in his repertoire

Tempor odio condimentum

As Etiam Mauris in Augue Eleifend Porttitor

In adipiscing purus urna

As Purus Mauris in Aliquam Est Pretium

Fermentum vel faucibus

As Velit in Magna Justo

Glimpse into my life

Snapshots from Instagram